Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sources of News

    I do not always keep up with every piece of news and information that comes out today. However, it is valuable to everyone to know what is going on with the world. Those that are my age are approaching their first time to participate in an election, and so we should become educated. 

    Sifting through information can be difficult, so we have to choose our sources wisely. I spend a lot of time on computers, whether doing things for fun or for work, and so I do not watch or read the classic sources of news. I tend to stay away from watching TV or reading newspapers. Here are the places I get my information from:

Word of mouth 

    This is usually the first time I hear about a new piece of information. I like to keep it this way, as my friends know what I like or find interesting and will filter things for me. I have a lot to think about on a day to day basis. Word of mouth ranges from my parents telling me to my peers. Often, I hear about the same event from different sources, which I think is crucial to hear several perspectives. When I am at work, I also have this coworker that loves to tell me about global international events, and so we spend a while researching it together. 


    After I hear about something, I like to turn to Google. I can get both a broad or specific view of what is going on. Sometimes I am directed to other sites like Wikipedia or digital newspapers. On Google, I know that most information is accurate on well-known sites, so I can verify what people say to me. I also have access to people’s opinions on the events or new information. I do not tend to use Google unless I already know the topic I will be looking at.


    In my dorm, I have two monitors, so I like to turn on YouTube whenever I’m doing something menial. This is the second place where I hear about new information, or look up a topic I find interesting. I watch a lot of media analysis videos, generally about books or movies I have read or watched recently. I like to hear the different opinions that people have about the new content that is being put out. Sometimes, one person will analyze a piece of information in a certain way, while another person will have a similar but different thing to say, which I enjoy. This is also a less serious way of looking at news. I also keep up with game creators or players, since this is a topic interesting to me.


    Most people I know have Instagram, so this is a good way to send information to me. The benefit to Instagram is the sharing post features, so I can send posts to my friends and they can send them to me. This is similar to sharing information through word of mouth, since my friends do the filtering of important information for me. Also, the algorithm generally caters to things I find interesting, and I even find some helpful videos about getting internships and other professional opportunities there. 

The New York Times

    I do not visit this newspaper every day, but I ended up signing up for a free account to look at some articles for a class and then kept the account. I have a Google Chrome extension that lets me see the articles for free, so I will look every once in a while at the newest technology news. I know this site is quite reputable and well-known, so I have confidence in turning to it. 

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